Your smile is our top priority! Our team is experienced, knowledgeable and ready to provide you with the personalized dental care that you deserve. We're a full-service clinic that provides everything you need under one roof. Whether you’re looking for modern whitening treatments or have a troubled tooth that needs attention, we provide gentle care in a relaxing environment.
At the office of Dr. Steve Johnson, Dr. Deborah Zokol, and Dr. Rafael Marroquin, you can trust our dentists with your family's oral health. Our Kelowna clinic is open MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 8.30AM-8PM, THURSDAY 8.30AM-5.30PM, FRIDAY 9AM-3PM, and SATURDAY 9AM-1PM. We also offer emergency dental care. Choose us for your next dental visit and discover why Dr. Steve Johnson Dental Group is one of Kelowna's favorite dental offices.
Along with general dentistry, some of the services we provide are: